Standard Algorithms
Solving the Model
— Functiongensys(Γ0, Γ1, c, Ψ, Π)
gensys(Γ0, Γ1, c, Ψ, Π, div)
gensys(F::LinearAlgebra.GeneralizedSchur, c, Ψ, Π)
gensys(F::LinearAlgebra.GeneralizedSchur, c, Ψ, Π, div)
Generate state-space solution to canonical-form DSGE model.
System given as
Γ0*y(t) = Γ1*y(t-1) + c + Ψ*z(t) + Π*η(t),
with z an exogenous variable process and η being endogenously determined one-step-ahead expectational errors.
Returned system is
y(t) = G1*y(t-1) + C + impact*z(t) + ywt*inv(I-fmat*inv(L))*fwt*z(t+1)
Returned values are
G1, C, impact, fmat, fwt, ywt, gev, eu, loose
If z(t)
is i.i.d., the last term drops out.
If div
is omitted from argument list, a div
>1 is calculated.
Return codes
eu[1] = 1
for existenceeu[2] = 1
for uniquenesseu[1] = -1
for existence only with not-s.c. zeu = [-2, -2]
for coincident zeroseu = [-3, -3]
if a LAPACKException is thrown while computing the Schur decomposition
We constrain Julia to use the complex version of the schurfact
routine regardless of the types of Γ0
and Γ1
, to match the behavior of Matlab. Matlab always uses the complex version of the Schur decomposition, even if the inputs are real numbers.
— Functiongensys2(m::AbstractDSGEModel, Γ0::Matrix{Float64}, Γ1::Matrix{Float64}, C::Vector{Float64},
Ψ::Matrix{Float64}, Π::Matrix{Float64}, TTT::Matrix{Float64}, RRR::Matrix{Float64},
CCC::Vector{Float64}, T_switch::Int)
calculates the state space transition matrices when a temporary alternative policy applies. This function is not the same as the gensys2 written by Chris Sims, which computes a second-order perturbation.
— Functioncsminwel(fcn::Function, grad::Function, x0::Vector, H0::Matrix=1e-5.*eye(length(x0)), args...;
xtol::Real=1e-32, ftol::Float64=1e-14, grtol::Real=1e-8, iterations::Int=1000,
store_trace::Bool = false, show_trace::Bool = false, extended_trace::Bool = false,
verbose::Symbol = :none, rng::AbstractRNG = MersenneTwister(0), kwargs...)
Minimizes fcn
using the csminwel algorithm.
: The objective functiongrad::Function
: The gradient of the objective function. This argument can be omitted if
an analytical gradient is not available, which will cause a numerical gradient to be calculated.
: The starting guess for the optimizer
Optional Arguments
: An initial guess for the Hessian matrix – must be
positive definite. If none is given, then a scaled down identity matrix is used.
: Other positional arguments to be passed tof
on each
function call
Keyword Arguments
: Threshold for convergence in terms of change
in function value across iterations.
: Maximum number of iterationskwargs...
: Other keyword arguments to be passed tof
on each
function call
— Functionoptimize!(m::Union{AbstractDSGEModel,AbstractVARModel}, data::Matrix;
method::Symbol = :csminwel,
xtol::Real = 1e-32, # default from Optim.jl
ftol::Float64 = 1e-14, # Default from csminwel
grtol::Real = 1e-8, # default from Optim.jl
iterations::Int = 1000,
store_trace::Bool = false,
show_trace::Bool = false,
extended_trace::Bool = false,
mle::Bool = false, # default from estimate.jl
step_size::Float64 = .01,
toggle::Bool = true, # default from estimate.jl
verbose::Symbol = :none)
Wrapper function to send a model to csminwel (or another optimization routine).
Hessian Approximation
— Methodhessian!(m::Union{AbstractDSGEModel,AbstractVARModel}, x::Vector{T}, data::AbstractArray;
check_neg_diag::Bool = true, toggle::Bool = false,
verbose::Symbol = :none) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
Compute Hessian of DSGE/VAR posterior function evaluated at x.
— Methodhessizero(fcn::Function, x::Vector{T};
distr::Bool=true) where T<:AbstractFloat
Compute Hessian of function fcn
evaluated at x
: Throw an error if any negative diagonal elements are detected.verbose
: Print verbose outputdistr
: Use available parallel workers to increase performance.
— Functionfunction metropolis_hastings(propdist::Distribution,
n_blocks::Int64 = 1,
n_param_blocks::Int64 = 1,
n_sim::Int64 = 100,
n_burn::Int64 = 0,
mhthin::Int64 = 1,
adaptive_accept::Bool = false,
target_accept::T = 0.25,
α::T = 1.0,
c::T = 0.5,
verbose::Symbol = :low,
savepath::String = "mhsave.h5",
rng::MersenneTwister = MersenneTwister(0),
regime_switching::Bool = false,
toggle::Bool = true,
testing::Bool = false) where {S<:Number, T<:AbstractFloat}
Implements the Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm for sampling from the posterior distribution of the parameters.
: The proposal distribution that Metropolis-Hastings begins sampling from.m
: The model objectdata
: Data matrix for observablescc0
: Jump size for initializing
: Jump size for the rest of Metropolis-Hastings.
Optional Arguments
n_blocks::Int = 1
: Number of blocks of draws (for memory-management purposes)n_param_blocks::Int = 1
: Number of parameter blocks (this is the "blocking" people normally think about with MH)n_sim::Int = 100
: Number of simulations per save block. Note: # saved observations will ben_sim * n_param_blocks * (n_blocks - b_burn)
. The # of total simulations will ben_sim * n_param_blocks * n_blocks * mhthin
.n_burn::Int = 0
: Length of burn-in periodmhthin::Int = 1
: Thinning parameter (for mhthin = d, keep only every dth draw)adaptive_accept::Bool = false
: Whether or not to adaptively adjust acceptance prob. after every memory block.target_accept::T = 0.25
: target accept rate when adaptively adjusting acceptance prob.α::T = 1.0
: Tuning parameter (step size) for proposal density computation in adaptive casec::T = 0.5
: Tuning parameter (mixture proportion) for proposal density computation in adaptive caseregime_switching::Bool = false
: do the parameters involve regime-switching?toggle
: if true, toggle the fields of any regime-switching parameters to regime 1.verbose::Bool
: The desired frequency of function progress messages printed to standard out. One of:
- `:none`: No status updates will be reported.
- `:low`: Status updates provided at each block.
- `:high`: Status updates provided at each draw.
savepath::String = "mhsave.h5"
: String specifying path to output filerng::MersenneTwister = MersenneTwister(0)
: Chosen seed (overridden if testing = true)testing::Bool = false
: Conditional for use when testing (determines fixed seeding)
metropolis_hastings(propdist::Distribution, m::Union{AbstractDSGEModel,AbstractVARModel},
data::Matrix{T}, cc0::T, cc::T; filestring_addl::Vector{String} = [],
regime_switching::Bool = false, toggle::Bool = false,
verbose::Symbol = :low) where {T<:AbstractFloat}
Wrapper function for DSGE models which calls Metropolis-Hastings MCMC algorithm for sampling from the posterior distribution of the parameters.
: The proposal distribution that Metropolis-Hastings begins sampling from.m
: The model objectdata
: Data matrix for observablescc0
: Jump size for initializing
: Jump size for the rest of Metropolis-Hastings.
Estimation Settings
Please see the section on 'Metropolis-Hastings Settings' on the 'Advaned Usage' page of the online documentation or src/defaults.jl for a full description of all the estimation settings for MH. Most of the settings for MH are stored in the model object. The keyword arguments described below are not directly related to the behavior of the algorithm (e.g. tuning, number of samples).
Keyword Arguments
: The desired frequency of function progress messages printed to standard out. One of:
- `:none`: No status updates will be reported.
- `:low`: Status updates provided at each block.
- `:high`: Status updates provided at each draw.
: additional strings to add to the names of output filesregime_switching
: do the parameters involve regime-switching?toggle
: if true, toggle the fields of any regime-switching parameters to regime 1.
State Space Filters and Smoothers
Sequential Monte Carlo
See SMC.jl.